Curriculum Vitae

05/2011 - 07/2016 Doctor of Philosophy in Geosciences at the Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Grade: Pass with distinction (summa cum laude)
- Geochemical characterisation (Major & trace element and isotope analyses) of Precambrian chemical and clastic sediments
- Evaluating the environmental conditions of the atmosphere and hydrosphere between 4.0 Ga and 500 Ma years ago
9/2004 - 03/2011 Diploma in "Geology-Paleontology" at the
Rheinische Friedrich- Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany
Grade: Very Good (A grade)
- Sampling, preparation and isotope analyses of 3.8 Ga and 2.7 Ga old Banded Iron Formations
- Geological Mapping of metasediments and -volcanics in Sifnos, Greece
1995 - 2004
A-Levels at Gymnasium Odenthal, Germany
Certificate: Abitur; Grade: 2.9
1991 - 1995
Primary School: KGS Voiswinkel, Germany
Workshops & Trainings
11/2023 Postdoc Perspectives. Qualification and career in science (Hannover, Germany)
03/2019 Field workshop of the SPP 1833 "Building a Habitable Earth" (DFG) to the Singhbhum Craton (India)
09/2017 Workshop I: National and international funding opportunities (Vienna, Austria)
09/2017 Field workshop of the SPP 1833 "Building a Habitable Earth" (DFG) to Pilbara (Australia)
10/2016 - 12/2016 "Modern Management VI: Project Management" at the Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria
- Project finance and controlling
- Quality and risk management
- Projectmanagement tools and methods
- Teambuiling and -leadership
09/2016 Field workshop of the SPP 1833 "Building a Habitable Earth" (DFG) to Barberton (South Africa)
10/2015 In-situ-Analyses of isotopes and trace elements with (MC-) ICP-MS coupled to a femtoseconds-laser ablation (Hannover, Germany)
03/2015 Anwenderseminar Elementanalytik mit Schwerpunkt
ICP-OES sowie AAS, ICP- MS und Probenvorbereitung (Hamburg, Germany)
12/2014 13th Freiberg Short Course in Economic Geology: "Rare Earth Elements Deposits" (Freiberg, Germany)
04/2012 Workshop on molecular fossils and acritarchs from Neoproterozoic and Lower Paleozoic, Brasília, Brazil
01/2012 Nuts and Bolts of Mass Spectrometry (Bristol, England)
11/2011 2. International workshop: Minérios de ferro e manganês no Brasil. II. Os depósitos de Urucum/ Corumba,Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Work Experience
11/2022 - today Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Mineralogy, Hannover, Germany: Research associate (senior postdoc) & Lab manager
- Stable isotope geochemistry lab manager
- Petrography, trace element and stable isotope geochemistry of diverse geological materials
- Supervision of Ph.D, MSc., and BSc. theses; PI of third-party funded projects
- Teaching and field trip organisation
- Review and preparation of scientific manuscript and proposals
- Conference (MFED25) organisation)
08/2021 - 10/2022 University of Vienna, Department of Lithospheric Research, Vienna, Austria: Senior Postdoc
- FWF stand-alone project entitled "The evolution of the earliest habitats on Earth"
- Petrography, trace element and isotope geochemistry of Archean banded iron formations
- Supervision of BSc. theses
- Teaching and field trip (co)organisation
- Review and preparation of scientific manuscripts
10/2019 - 08/2021 University of Vienna, Department of Geology, Vienna, Austria: Senior research fellow
- Preparation of research grants and fellowships
- Review and preparation of scientific manuscripts
04/2017 - 09/2019 University of Vienna, Department of Geodynamics and Sedimentology, Vienna, Austria: Post-doctoral Research Associate
- MarieCurie fellowship in the EU Horizon 2020 program entitled "ELEMIN - How the earliest life on Earth became mineralized"
- Petrography, trace element and isotope geochemistry of biogenic sediments
- Supervision of BSc. theses
- Teaching and field trip (co)organisation
07/2016 - 03/2017 University of Vienna, Department of Geodynamics and Sedimentology, Vienna, Austria: Guest Scientist
- Preparation of interdisciplinary research fellowships
- Review and preparation of scientific manuscripts
- Presentation and organisation of Geology and Geobiology-Sedimentology seminars
- Fieldwork and sampling in the Dolomites
05/2011 - 07/2016 Jacobs University Bremen, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Bremen, Germany: Research Associate
- Preparation, acquisition, management and coordination of scientific research projects
- Sampling, preparation and chemical analyses of geological materials such as clastic and chemical sediments, carbonates, ores, igneous and metamorphic rocks, phosphates, Fe-Mn crusts and nodules & water
- Major & trace element and isotope analyses via ICP-OES, ICP-MS, TIMS and MC-ICP-MS
- Publishing of scientific manuscripts
- Discussion and presentation at scientific conferences and workshops
- Assisting at a TV documentation about rare earth elements
- Teaching & field trip (Co-)organisation
- (Co-)Supervision of BSc. theses
03/2012 - 06/2012 Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, Brasília, Brazil: Research Associate
- Sampling and sample preparation of Fe and Mn-rich sediments from Urucum
- Sm-Nd isotope analyses in clean laboratory facilities
- TIMS and MC-ICPMS mass spectrometry
- Participation in workshops
09/2004 - 03/2011 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn, Germany: Diploma student
- Sampling, chemical preparation and isotope analyses of banded iron formations
- Participation and (co)organisation of geological field trips and mapping campaigns
- (Co)supervision of students during mapping campaigns
01/2011 - 03/2011 Natural History Museum London, Earth Sciences Department: Student Apprentice
- Microtomography of meteorites
- Fe-isotope analyses of carbonates
12/2007 - 01/2010 Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Universität, Bonn, Germany: Student research assistant
- Sampling,
preparation and analyses of bones and teeth of dinosaurs and
mammals, plants and igneous rocks in the DFG project "Bone geochemistry"
09/2009 9th Bone Diagenesis Meeting, Bonn, Germany: Student assistant
08/2007 17th V.M Goldschmidt Conference, Cologne, Germany: Student assistant
Language Skills
German (Native speaker)
English (business fluent, fluently in word and writing; working language)
Spanish (basic knowledge; 3 years of school education)
Latin (Latin proficiency certificate; 5 years of school education)
Computer Literacy
Microsoft Office
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Other Skills
Driver's licence B
Coach in tabletennis for children (TV Voiswinkel)
Teaching Experience
2022 - 2024
Full time (Methods in Isotope Geochemistry & Crystalline rocks), Leibniz University Hannover, Germany (1x year)
External lecturer, Full time teaching (Trace element and isotope geochemistry), Jacobs University Bremen, Germany (1x year)
External lecturer, Full time teaching (Trace element and isotope geochemistry), Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Guest lecturer - Part time teaching (Principles and applications in Geochemistry), Tongji University Shanghai
Teaching of MA lectures in Geobiology, University of Vienna
External lecturer, Full time teaching (Trace element and isotope geochemistry), Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
2019 - 2020
Guest lecturer - Part time teaching (Principles and applications in Geochemistry), Tongji University Shanghai
2017 - 2020
Teaching of MA lectures in Geobiology and Geological Mapping at the University of Vienna
Independent organization and (co)supervision of field trips to the Alps and the Burgenland
2011 - 2016
Assistant at the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences at Jacobs University Bremen in the focus
area Earth and Environmental Sciences
Teaching of BA lectures in Geology I (Volcanology and Metamorphism) +II (Sedimentology and Structural Geology), Introduction to Soil Sciences, Geophysics, Fossil Fuels and USC Water I+II
Independent organization and (co-)supervision of the Eifel, Harz, Ireland, Iceland and Fossil Fuels field trips
Supervision of undergraduate students during their Diploma-mapping campaign in Sifnos, Cyclades (Greece)

Thesis Supervision
PhD. Theses
MSc. Theses
Reconstructing oceanic redox conditions directly before the Great Oxidation Event: Insights of stable U isotopes from the ~2.4 Hotatzel and Moodraai Formations, South Africa
Tim Brinkmann
running (University of Vienna)
Reconstruction of a 3.4 billion-year-old marine
habitat: Evidence from trace elements and Nd isotopes in the Daitari BIF, India
Sandra Kienle
2024 (Leibniz University Hannover)
FeMn nodules as geochemical archives for Jurassic seawater - Insights from combined U-Mo isotopes of the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria
Viona Klamt
BSc. Theses
2024 (Leibniz University Hannover)
The stable Mo-U isotope signature in cold seep carbonates: a reliable archive for ancient seawater chemistry?
Vanessa Winkler
2023 (Leibniz University Hannover)
Geochemical characterisation of Sr isotope and trace element composition of diagenetic concretions (Posidonienschiefer, Toarcian)
Konstantin Laechelin
2022 (University of Vienna)
Geochemical characterization of the 3.2 billion-year-old Murchison BIF, South Africa
Alina Mayer
2019 (University of Vienna)
Neogen stromatolites from Ritzing: equivalents for Precambrian life?
Robert Kujawa
Geochemistry of the 3.4 Ga old Panorama Iron Formation in Western Australia
Selina Glatzer
Geochemical reconstruction of the paleo-environment of the Fulu Iron Formation in South China
Tobias J. Prost
2015 (Jacobs University Bremen)
Geochemistry of Lower Carboniferous Limestone and Associated Chert from the Tralee Group, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Rebecca von Koslowski
2014 (Jacobs University Bremen)
Trace element geochemistry of fluorite minerals from
the Pennine Orefield, England
Anjani D. Sumoondur
2013 (Jacobs University Bremen)
Major and trace element systematics of stromatolitic carbonates and Banded Iron Formations from the Early Proterozoic Rooinekke
Formation in the Griqualand West Area, South Africa
Katharina Schier